Spirituality: The "Scattered Nests" of history. The mysterious Yasenetsky cemetery

For the first time I visited this mysterious cemetery, the likes of which, I'm sure, are few in Belarus, in October 2003. And here we are again with Tatyana Grinkevich, a correspondent of the newspaper Sovetskaya Belorussia, Vitaly Gerasimen, a researcher at the regional Museum of Local lore, and Lyudmila Fedorovna Lenkovets, secretary of the village executive committee. And the feelings of anxiety and guilt came flooding back to me. Worries about monuments and crypts, which are being consumed by decay before our eyes. Guilt in front of those who tried to keep their ancestors calm, but did not save him not so much from time as from the soulless hand of man.
After returning home, I reread the memories recorded from the words of old-timers and the librarian of the University Library, local historian Alla Voln, I find notebooks with information I collected earlier. What is true here, and what, passed from mouth to mouth, turned into legends? It's hard to determine right now. Therefore, I set myself the task of conveying what I have heard to people as fully and accurately as possible - this is the only thing I can do in memory of those who lie in the Yasenetsky land and whose bones may still be scattered around the largest family chapel, which belonged to the Wendorf family.
This time we couldn't go down to the basement - the stairs seemed too unreliable. And then, in 2003, together with several members of the BRSM, we put these bones in once good-quality, galvanized, and during the war and after it barbarously looted, damaged coffins, placed them in 12 niches-tombs. Information about each buried person could once be read outside the chapel, on slabs of white marble that hung 4 on three sides of the chapel, but they have long been gone. Only one, the largest, has been preserved, to the right of the entrance. At my request, a friend translated what was written on it: "Eva Malchynskikh Wendorfova, who died on August 17, 1828, at the age of 78, is buried here. Everyone is destined for something. You gave us life, and we buried your body. The memory of your family achievements and tears are dedicated to you. May the honor of future generations lift you up. The cordiality that mothers want their children to repay."
Where are the descendants of this family now? They would like to hand over the crucifixes that they found during that visit to the basement: it was impossible to leave them in place - there would be no trace of them, as well as many other valuable things that, according to local residents, people found here. Later, I transferred the crucifixes to the Gantsevichi Church, and the jars were jars of medicines (or scented substances?) to the regional Museum of local Lore.
Again, through an acquaintance, I tried to find out something about the Wendorff family in Poland - to no avail. In the Baranovichi archive, I found only one mention of a representative of this genus - in the "Report to B. K. Reichart from V. A. Dolgorukov on the actions of rebel detachments in the Minsk province and the shortage of troops" dated 1863.
Was the world mediator one of the kind whose representatives are buried in the cemetery in Yasentsy? I think so. The described events take place near our places, in addition, local residents are sure that people were brought here for burial from Nesvizh, Yanovichi, Kaplanovichi, Baranovichi and other settlements, but they never lived in Yasentsy. Esta análise do Money Kitty App lhe dará uma visão interna e mostrará se você pode realmente ganhar até US$ 200 https://gatinhomagico.com/ como afirma o site.
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